Monday, February 17, 2014

How to fix Batista And WrestleMania

If you follow WWE Pro Wrestling you will know that Batista won the Royal Rumble and is set to headline WrestleMania 30. The problem is that many of the fans do not want to see Batista or are just not interested in him headlining the biggest event in wrestling. So here is what I am thinking could happen.

The next upcoming Pay-Per-View is The Elimination Chamber. Batista is as of right now (2-17-2014) set to face off against Alberto Del Rio at that PPV. Which to me doesn't really make sense unless they add a special stipulation to the match. Note this post is before today's Monday Night Raw, so if anything actually happens I did not know of it while writing this. During tonight's Monday Night Raw I think Alberto Del Rio will call out Batista and they will both argue with each other eventually leading to one of them or The Authority (Triple H, and Stephanie McMahon) adding the stipulation to the match that if Alberto Del Rio wins then Batista loses his WrestleMania main event match, or if Batista wins then Alberto Del Rio has to leave WWE. I think this is a good angle because many people think that Del Rio is not going to renew his upcoming contract and this is a way for him to make his exit. This would lead many people to think that Batista is going to win this match.

Now let's skip ahead to Elimination Chamber. How does Del Rio win? Batista has been destroying Del Rio during the previous weeks and looking very strong while doing so. So the question is, again, how does Del Rio win? The WWE wants to keep Batista looking strong because I do not think he will be out of WrestleMania completely, so they don't want Del Rio to beat him clean. I think that his match will be a no Disqualification match or the referee will get knocked out at some point in the match. Either of these two things will allow for some interference from the outside and not get Del Rio Disqualified. So who is going to interfere in the match? The person I think who will interfere is none other than Brock Lesnar. Lesnar has been on a rampage destroying other superstars to show Triple H and Stephanie that he is dominate enough to be a contender for the WWE World Heavy Weight title. What better way to prove that than to destroy the number one contender. So Brock will come when it looks like Del Rio is finished and beat the living hell out of Batista. Del Rio will cover and defeat Batista thus resulting in Batista no longer being apart of the main event of WrestleMania.

Now obviously Batista is not going to be happy about losing his main event spot and I think it will end up being Lesnar vs Batista at WrestleMania. If I had to pick someone other than Brock Lesnar to interfere with the match I think it would be CM Punk. Punk has not been seen since the Royal Rumble and many think that he has left the company because he was not happy with his match at WrestleMania. Some people think this is all part of a story line using social media and the internet to make it seem he really did leave the company. Whether you believe he really left the company or if you think it is all part of a story line the fact is that he has not been mentioned on Raw or SmackDown being apart of WrestleMania. So no one would expect CM Punk to be at the Elimination Chamber. Plus they could use the idea that Punk was not happy with his WrestleMania match to motivate him to interfere in Batista's match hoping that he can somehow take the spot from Batista.

That brings up the question, who is going to be in the main event of WrestleMania? It is also the biggest problem with this theory. I don't think WWE wants to change their main event only five or six weeks before WrestleMania. But let's say all this happens, what does WWE do? Here is what I think. They will either do another Royal Rumble like match the next day during Monday Night Raw and the winner gets the spot, or they will do a fatal four way or triple threat match with the top three or four superstars and the winner gets the spot. If they do the fatal four way or triple threat match I think they will make it an elimination match. The three or four participants will most likely be John Cena, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, and if it is a fatal four way add Sheamus or Christian. The match will come down to CM Punk or Daniel Bryan and one of them will get screwed by Corporate Kane. If Punk does not come back replace him with Brock Lesnar in the match and instead of Kane interfering Batista will interfere and cause Lesnar to lose, thus setting up their match.

And that is what I think will happen between now and WrestleMania. Feel free to comment if you agree or disagree with me.

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