Friday, July 25, 2014

Why Dropping Gleeb Was the Smart Choice for TSM

Over the past week Team Solo Mid (TSM) has decided to drop their support player Gleebglarbu with less than a month before playoffs. TSM is currently tied for second place in the NA LCS with two other teams; Cloud 9, and Counter Logic Gaming with a record of 13 wins and 9 losses. Gleeb was not only under performing, but was also causing personal issues within the team. Many agree that Gleeb was playing alright for his first time playing in professional League of Legends, but alright is simply not good enough for a world class team that is TSM. Replacing Gleeb is Lustboy a former OGN Korean pro, and very good friend of Locodoco (TSM's new coach). 

Doing a roster swap less than a month before playoffs is a huge risk that could result in TSM not making it to worlds. Something had to be done. The competition in North American had risen dramatically since the 2014 Spring Split. TSM was no longer confident enough that they would make it past playoffs and onto worlds. TSM feels that Lustboy is much better than Gleeb and that he will give them a better shot of going to worlds. We'll see if TSM improves enough to beat out the other teams or if adding Lustboy was an even bigger mistake. 

My opinion is that this was a smart choice for TSM. Gleeb wasn't up to par with the rest of the team and was only holding them back. Combine this with the fact he was causing personal issues inside the team and I think this roster swap was necessary in order for TSM to make it to worlds.