Wednesday, April 2, 2014

WreslteMania 30 Match Predictions

WrestleMania 30 is less than a week away and I just wanted to take a few minutes to make my predictions on who I think is going to win. These are the matches that will be apart of WrestleMania 30: Vickie Guerrero's Diva Championship Invitational, Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, The Shield vs Kane and the New Age Outlaws, WWE Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-way Match, John Cena vs Bray Wyatt, The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar, Daniel Bryan vs Triple, Randy Orton vs Batista vs the winner of the Triple H and Daniel Bryan match.

Vickie Guerrero's Diva Championship Invitational: This one is going to be hard to predict because it has over ten participants in the match and none of them really stick out as a clear favorite. I could easily see A.J Lee losing the title in this match because then at least she has an excuse for losing the title. I think what is probably going to happen is that Tamina Snuka, A.J, and another diva will be the last three after all the other divas have been eliminated. A.J will look like she is in a strong position to win the match, but then Tamina will super kick A.J  or something along those lines and eliminate her. Then it will be just Tamina and the last remaining diva, which I think will be one of the Bella twins, Naomi, or Natalya. Whoever it is against Tamina I think will win the match in the end. If I had to pick one I think Natalya will win, but this match is the hardest to pick the winner for.

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: I almost thought this would be the hardest match to pick a winner for but after looking at who is in the match I think I have two clear winners. The two people I think that will win this match are The Big Show, and Alexander Rusev. Both these men are HUGE, and will have a very easy time eliminating other superstars and will be very hard to eliminate. One's a rookie and the other a veteran, and it really depends on what WWE wants to do with the match. Do they want to use it to build hype around Rusev, or do they want to have the giant win the Andre the Giant match. I think it could go either way, but if I had to pick one I would pick Rusev to help build the rookie up.

The Shield vs Kane and the New Age Outlaws: Finally we get to the easier matches. To be honest I have not been following this story line very well, and really have no idea why it is happening. But right now The Shield are young and looking really good in the ring. So I would like to believe that the WWE would want to build these guys up even more by having them win a big match at WrestleMania against three long time veterans. The Shield is going nowhere but up in the business and this match is no different, The Shield wins.

WWE Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-way Match: The Usos won the tag titles a little more than a month ago and I do not think their reign as tag team champs is over yet. I really don't see Los Matadores as a top tag team yet in the WWE so I do not think they will win. Ryback and Curtis Axel just don't seem like guys that would make a good tag team, and they sure as hell don't look like they would be tag team champions. The Real Americans would have the best chance of winning the titles because they are extremely talented in the ring and have a good look and gimmick, but previous weeks show that they have not been on page with each other which will be their downfall. Winner The Usos.

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt: The Wyatts are in the same boat as The Shield, they both look extremely good in and out of the ring and their careers are going nowhere but up. Cena is a top guy, but the Wyatts need this WrestleMania win more than he does. WWE wants to build up their younger roster so I think Bray Wyatt will win this match.

The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar: The streak will never be defeated. Not even former UFC champion Brock Lesnar will be enough to end the legendary 21-0 WrestleMania streak the Undertaker has. If the streak is still alive after 21 years there is no one that deserves to end it. It will go down in Wrestling history as one of the most impressive feats ever to be achieved by one man. Winner Undertaker.

Triple H vs Daniel Bryan: Daniel Bryan is the most over superstar with the fans and there is no way that Triple H will beat him at WrestleMania, especially because the winner will be inserted into the title match. Besides Triple H is old and is no longer competing anymore, so him in the title match would make no sense. Winner Daniel Bryan.

Randy Orton vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan: This WrestleMania is all about building up the younger superstars so that they can carry the torch once all the veterans are gone and this match is no different. Daniel Bryan will emerge as the WWE World Heavy Weight Champion. Batista and Orton are both great veteran superstars, but Daniel is too big to not be champion. Winner Daniel Bryan.

So there are my thoughts on who will win at WrestleMania 30. Agree or disagree? Feel free to leave a comment! Sorry if there is any grammar or spelling mistakes I wrote this at 4 a.m. I know it's not a good excuse but I am really tired.